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Our services

Video Advertising Solutions

1. Influencers Marketing

Ideal for advertisers seeking innovative channels through YouTube in their influencers marketing
approach. For TV advertisers that want to increase ROI we have Virtual TV, starting in Ghana.

Generate income with YouTube

2. Age Virtual TV: Dynamic Reach.

Leverage influencer marketing to authentically connect with your niche target audience, enhancing brand trust and engagement.

Your videos on news sites of partners


Be sure nobody steals content

4. Blend Digital Power

Use the special and more flexible features of digital media, like data analysis and interaction possibilities, in combination with the impact of video

Always benefit from our help and support

5. Maintain Ad Standards

Take your video or TV advertising strategy to the next level with our cutting-edge solutions designed for today’s market dynamics.

Harness the power of influencer and Virtual TV advertising with Age Africa Agency!

Get Started Now

“Partnering with Age Africa Agency elevated our brand presence significantly in Ghana and is setting the stage for broader African markets.”

Fredrick BundalaSimuliziNaSauti

“The innovative approach of virtual TV advertising through Age Africa Agency transformed our media strategy with remarkable ROI.”

Campus with SharkboySharkboy

Time for action, let's get creative together